Preparing for the End of Instagram Basic Display API: What to Expect and How to Adapt

TL;DR – By late 2024, Meta is phasing out its Instagram Basic Display API, which means if you’ve been using a personal account to show your Instagram feed on your website, it’s time for a change. Once the API is gone, personal accounts won’t update feeds automatically anymore. But don’t worry—you can easily switch to a Business Account, which isn’t affected by this change.

Meta (Instagram’s parent company) recently informed users that it’s discontinuing the Basic Display API—a tool that Spotlight (and all other Instagram plugins for WordPress) has relied on to connect personal Instagram accounts and display Instagram feeds. 

This transition, which will begin in the last quarter of 2024, is going to affect those of you who’ve linked your Instagram feeds to Spotlight through personal accounts.

But don’t worry—understanding what’s happening and knowing how to prepare for it will make this transition smoother.

We’ll walk you through what Instagram’s decision means, provide answers to FAQs, and highlight the steps you can take to adapt as the API phases out later this year.

What is the Instagram Basic Display API?

To show your Instagram feed on your website using Spotlight, you must connect your personal or business Instagram account. This connection lets us pull profile information, photos, and videos from your Instagram account.

If you connected with a business account, you might remember needing to link a Facebook page during setup.

However, it was simpler for personal accounts—you just needed a valid Instagram account.

We connected your Instagram account directly to Spotlight, allowing you to showcase your feed on your website. This was all possible thanks to the Basic Display API, which, according to Meta, is now being shut down in the last quarter of 2024.

What happens when it is shut down?

When the Instagram Basic Display API is discontinued, personal accounts will no longer be able to automatically pull in the latest content to their website’s Instagram feed. This is because the API that made it all possible will no longer exist.

On the other hand, if you have a business account, you won’t be affected. Business accounts are connected through the Instagram Graph API, which is a completely different system and isn’t impacted by this change.

Meta says that they should eventually introduce a replacement for the Basic Display API, but we can’t say for sure when—or even if—that will happen.

How long do I have before it’s discontinued?

Meta officially announced the change to developers via email on 22nd July. Their announcement states that “Following the announcement, the IGBD API will be fully deprecated and no longer usable after a 90-day period, (October/November 2024 timeline).”

This means it will likely stop working around October or November 2024, so it’s important to start planning for this now.

I have a personal account, what can I do next?

Here’s what you need to do.

Switch your personal account to a Business Account: If you’re still using a personal Instagram account, it’s time to switch to a business account. It’s easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile.
  2. Tap the menu icon ☰ in the top right corner.
  3. Scroll down to “Account type and tools.”
  4. Choose “Switch to Professional Account.”
  5. Pick the category that best fits your business.
  6. Select “Business” as your account type.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to link your Instagram account with a Facebook page and add your contact details.

Reconnect your new Business Account in Spotlight: Once your business account is all set up, it’s time to reconnect in Spotlight. Check out this detailed guide or follow the quick steps below.

  1. Log in to your website and head to our Spotlight plugin.
  2. Click on “Settings” and then “Accounts.”
  3. Click the icon under “Actions” and select “Reconnect.”
  4. Follow the instructions to reconnect your Instagram account.

And that’s it! Once your business account is up and running, you’ll no longer be connected to the Basic Display API.

Not sure if this affects you?

It’s easy to find out. Just head to your Spotlight dashboard and go to Settings > Accounts > Type. If you see ‘Business’ listed there, you’ve got a business account and you’re all set—this change won’t impact you.

Spotlight is here to help you

We understand that Instagram’s upcoming API changes may have caught you off guard, but rest assured—Spotlight is here to help you navigate this transition smoothly. Our commitment to your success remains strong, and we’re ready to support you every step of the way.

If you have any questions or concerns about how this change will impact your Instagram feeds, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to provide all the information and assistance you need.


Will I be charged for upgrading to a business account?

No, it is free to switch from a personal to a business account on Instagram

Will my account be automatically changed to a business account once the Display API is shut down?

No, it will not. You’ll need to log in to Instagram and switch accounts.

Do I need to recreate my feeds from scratch?

No, you don’t. Creating and reconnecting a business account does not alter your feeds. It only connects your feed content through a different API.

What If I’m not a business?

Even if you’re not a business, switching to a business account will ensure your feeds continue to update. If you choose to keep your personal account, your Instagram feeds will stop updating once the Basic Display API is discontinued.

I tried connecting my business account to Spotlight, but it says it can’t be found.

If you see the message, “We couldn’t find any business Instagram accounts connected to your Facebook account,” while trying to connect, please refer to this quick guide to resolve the issue.

Can I connect multiple business accounts to Spotlight?

Yes, you can connect multiple Instagram business accounts to Spotlight. Just remember that each account must be linked to its own Facebook page.

I changed my Instagram username after switching to a business account. Do I need to reconnect it in Spotlight?

Yes, you will need to reconnect your Instagram account in Spotlight after changing your username. This ensures that your feed continues to display correctly on your website.

I switched to a business account and reconnected it, but my feed isn’t updating automatically. What should I do?

If your feed isn’t updating with the latest Instagram posts, it might be due to several reasons. Check this guide for common reasons.

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