How to link Instagram feeds to custom URLs

The Instagram feed embedded with Spotlight can have selected or all posts link directly to any custom URL of your choice.

IMPORTANT: In order to link Instagram posts to custom URLs, Spotlight requires a valid Spotlight Pro license.

To do this, open the feed in Spotlight and head to the Promote tab, then:

Click on a post in the preview area and select the Link promotion type in the popup modal.
For the Link to option, select URL from the dropdown.
Use the URL field to type in the URL you'd like to link this Instagram post to.
Choose whether to have the URL linked directly when someone clicks on the Instagram post (the alternative is to open the popup and show a call-to-action button in the popup sidebar) and whether to have the links Open in a new tab or not.
Set the Popup box link text or use the default setting. This changes the View on Instagram link that appears at the bottom of the popup lightbox sidebar when not linking to a URL directly.

Note: When an Instagram post has a link assigned to it, a link icon will appear in the top right-hand corner of the post in the preview area, but only while on the "Promote" step. This icon won’t show up in the live feed displayed on your site.

That's it. Once embedded on your website, all Instagram photos with custom URLs assigned to them will link directly to those pages.

This can also be applied to an account's posts across all Spotlight feeds by using Global Promotions, or it can be automated using the Hashtag Automations.

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