W3 Total Cache compatibility
Plugins such as W3 Total Cache which offer the option to minify (optimize) your CSS and JS files may break Spotlight's styling, cause some posts not to show, or even cause the entire feed not to show when it's embedded anywhere on your website (or a combination of the three). The solution to this problem is to set W3 Total Cache to exclude some of Spotlight's files from its minification - the process of making CSS and JS files smaller for better performance.
Spotlight already does this internally for its CSS and JS files, which is why W3 Total Cache causes issues when it tries to optimize those same files itself.
To fix this issue, please go to Performance > Minify > Advanced, and add the below file paths to the Never minify the following JS files option. Be sure to add each file path on its own line. The screenshot below shows you how to do this.
File paths to add to W3 Total Cache for Spotlight Free:
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/runtime.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/common-vendors.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/common.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/layouts.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/element-design.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/ui/dist/front-app.js
If you are using Spotlight premium versions, use these file paths instead:
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/runtime.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/common-vendors.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/common.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/common-pro.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/layouts.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/layouts-pro.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/element-design.js
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/front-app.js
If you are using Elementor, add this file path as well:
- wp-content/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds-premium/ui/dist/elementor-widget.js.js