Request failed with status code 500

If you encounter an error as seen in the below screenshot where posts from Instagram are not fetched due to a "Request failed with status code 500", there could be a number of reasons for the failure.

1. Intermittent error

Firstly, it may be an intermittent error from Instagram's API that fails to provide the posts from the connected Instagram account during this specific fetch. In such cases, please try waiting a few minutes and re-fetch the posts, either by editing the feed or by using the Update Posts button under Actions in the Feeds list.

2. Reconnect your account / Missing permissions

We have also encountered situations where not all permissions were provided to Spotlight when connecting your Instagram account. To check whether this is the case, please go to Instagram Feeds > Settings > Accounts and click on the Reconnect account button under Actions. When doing so, please make sure that all permissions are checked in the Instagram or Facebook connection popups.

3. If the issue persists, please contact support

There may be cases where the above solutions do not work for one reason or another. If that is the case and the issue persists, please contact support and we'll help you figure it out.

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